For help with any of the medical terms found on this page, please see the Medical Terms and Conditions Glossary.
Questions? Contact UnitedHealthCare
7AM - 11PM ET Mon - Fri
9AM - 5PM ET Sat
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Call {agentPhone}
Please provide your Application ID when calling.
1-866-412-5278 (TTY 711)
7AM - 11PM ET, Monday-Friday
9AM - 5PM ET, Saturday
Para español:
• De lunes a viernes, de 8 AM a 8 PM, hora del este, o
• Los sabados de 9 AM a 5 PM, hora del este
Please provide your Application ID when calling.
1-866-412-5278 (TTY 711)
7AM - 11PM ET, Monday-Friday
9AM - 5PM ET, Saturday
Para español:
• De lunes a viernes, de 8 AM a 8 PM, hora del este, o
• Los sabados de 9 AM a 5 PM, hora del este
Please provide your Application ID when calling.
1-866-412-5278 (TTY 711)
7AM - 11PM ET, Monday-Friday
9AM - 5PM ET, Saturday
Para español:
• De lunes a viernes, de 8 AM a 8 PM, hora del este, o
• Los sabados de 9 AM a 5 PM, hora del este
Please provide your Application ID when calling.
1-866-412-5278 (TTY 711)
7AM - 11PM ET, Monday-Friday
9AM - 5PM ET, Saturday
Para español:
• De lunes a viernes, de 8 AM a 8 PM, hora del este, o
• Los sabados de 9 AM a 5 PM, hora del este
Please provide your Application ID when calling.
Call {agentPhone}
Please provide your Application ID when calling.
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Questions? Contact UnitedHealthcare
7AM - 11PM ET Mon - Fri
9AM - 5PM ET Sat
You have changed your:
This change requires you to start the process again to ensure your selected plan is available and the rates provided are accurate.
WB25336ST (10-11) MS3.0
You have changed your:
This change requires you to start the process again to ensure your selected plan is available and the rates provided are accurate.
WB25336ST (10-11) MS3.0
You can return to this application by visiting {@link-to-resumeVanityURL} using this reference code:
ID {applicationId}
WB25291ST (10-11) MS3.0
Your session is about to time out.
Please resume your application so you don't lose your work.
WB25292ST (10-11) MS3.0
Your application will be deleted.
Are you sure you want to delete this application?
Please note: If you delete this application and begin a new one, you will be assigned a new unique Application ID.
WB25338ST (10-11) MS3.0
Cancelling will end your session. To permanently delete your application, choose "Delete."
WB25335ST (10-11) MS3.0
Your answers indicate that you are not currently eligible for these AARP Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans.
If you wish to continue your application, click "Resume."
To return to the homepage, please click, "Home."
WB25339ST (10-11) MS3.0
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